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Sacred Sounds: Nada Yoga + Meditation Training (80h)



The Sanskrit word Nada translates as sound, tone, or vibration, so Nada Yoga usually means “union through sound,” or the “yoga of sound.” The ancient Vedic Scripts say the universe was created as pure vibration. They called this cosmic sound Nada Brahman, and it is the same sound vibration of the Om mantra. Nada Yoga is an Indian spiritual technique to turn your perception of hearing inwards to listen for the pure sound of your inner spirit. This sacred sound practice also utilizes chanting Sanskrit mantra and listening to meditative external music like Indian classical music.

We will learn new methods and free our creative Expression with Sound (Voice, Guided Meditations, Sound Journey, Mantra) to be able to apply the new techniques in our Sound Baths, Self Practice and Sound Healing Sessions. This course will give you a profound understanding on the origins of Sound Ceremony and Sound Healing. Why it was used and the power of Rituals that have been used thousands of years before us. Krisha plays the flute, Saraswati and Ganesha created drums. The “yoga of sound,” called nāda yoga, described in the Hatha Yoga Texts as one of the most powerful and fruitful meditation techniques to still the mind.

This Training will inspire your relationship to sound and meditation and your play of the Crystal Bowls. We come together in Community to exchange and practice together to enjoy the mystical teachings of Sound and Stillness. Nada yoga is about you and how you relate to yourself, how you inhabit your body, how you align your mind, how you express your soul.


One part of this online training module is the journey towards stillness. What is actually stillness, where can it be found? We will experience that the answers and the path is very simple yet takes time to evolve. All the practices of Sound which we will explore are pathways to Stillness. Teaching this module in this time of the year to realize, honor and embody Stillness.

Stillness, the Spiritual Heart, the Awakening Consciousness, our True Nature. Stillness refers to the background of awareness, a reality that is beyond duality, beyond positive and negative, beyond sound, beyond yin and yang, beyond moon and sun, mind and body.

Stillness ist the ultimate reality of our being and cannot be induced by techniques or methods. It is revealed when certain portals are opened. Techniques may bring relaxation, mental control, clarity, calmness, and even mental void.

There is nothing to be done to open to absolute Stillness, because knowing real Stillness means shifting from "to do" towards "to be."

This 6 week journey is a journey towards the Self, into the Heart, towards Stillness through the Teachings of Sound. We deeply study the Flow of Energy and Qi of Sound, the Crystal Bowls and Stillness. There are many techniques, rituals and traditions in the Art of Sound Healing, Sound Bathing. This 4 week training will be a time of study and first of all this will be a time of Exploration and Practice. We practice meditation, we practice with our voice and instrument creative expression in various forms (through story telling or singing). We seek aspiration through teachings of wisdom and science. We learn to bow and to surrender to reveal a deeper meaning and evoke a deep connection to ourselves and all around us. All the teachings and practices are connected to the essence of sound and can be applied in Sound Healing and Sound Meditation.