The question of purpose

The question of purpose. An idea used so much to express something that is worth seeking, something we are supposed to find. A quest we go on, a concept worth to dedicate your whole energy to. 

Since I was a child I was wondering what I would do one day. I was sure there was more to life and to work than working in an office or doing one job forever. I loved so many things there was everything and nothing. I just kept doing what I seemed to be passionate about, coffee, sports, nature, business, architecture, physics… some I studied some were my hobby, others my student job. 

One day I discovered yoga, then meditation, then sound baths (this is the short version). So I was thrilled again, I loved it, I followed this passion again with all my heart. And life seemed to think this was a good thing and opened up more possibilities. So I guess for now I have found my purpose. But not a single moment in my life I was seeking my purpose, trying to find my purpose. 

I see people constantly seeking experiences that might change their perspective, provide deep insights. It is easy to get the idea that things like travel, intense meditation and other kinds of deep soul-searching can change you, improve you, guide you to your purpose. I feel they might change the viewpoint but at the core you are still the same person. Like Jack Kornfield says, the challenge is reconciling our revelations with our imperfect lives. There are no obstacles to overcome (except maybe exactly this revelation). A blessing - there is not a truth we can discover that is our purpose, again it is much simpler. 

I now believe the purpose in our lives is what we create for ourselves. There can be a myriad of things that could be our purpose maybe some time maybe our whole lifetime. There is not one answer, there are many ways to life a purposeful life. 

I was just trying to do as much of the things I loved with the dedication of my whole heart. And I am still. 

By doing so I believe my purpose found me, or not even found me, I was remembered that this is something I deserve to do, I love to share and discovered how much meaning I got from doing it. And this does not mean that my life is more simple, less complicated or I am always happier no - there are always things to evolve always a search for meaning in the present moment.

If you haven’t found the one thing yet dedicated your energy and heart to watering the plants in your garden, caring for a child, being a great husband, or creating anything that serves others in some way. By serving others we serve ourselves & this is simple and so beautiful. 

To me seeking is the invitation to add something to your life that gives your life more purpose, more meaning. There is this idea that it needs to be something special or successful. I only found what I love so much by trying to add things, people & practices that made me feel passionate, meaningful and enthusiastic. Don’t spend your time seeking for the purpose or finding it - start doing what you love and even if its the most „boring“ thing in the world. 

There is no order and there is no right or wrong. There is only you here and now opening your heart to receive & add more meaning to your life. 

I am grateful for what I do and I am very grateful that so many people find their purpose in sound and sharing the healing sounds. Sound healing is deeply connected to our true being and always an invitation to open and to remember.

And if we are not searching for our purpose we are searching for other things in the hope they might add more meaning. And if we have found our purpose we will try to find more meaning to our life in other ways.

It doesn’t matter, finding the purpose does not decide if we continued to grow adding more meaning everyday is what allows us to evolve.
