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Full Moon Ritual + Sound (virtual)
8:00 PM20:00

Full Moon Ritual + Sound (virtual)

we come together to tune into the energy of this portal. to connect with our deepest hearts intentions and visions. to clear and release what is not longer serving us and invite what is truly important to us.

Full Moon is a time of release, letting go, remembering the essence and allowing all that is not longer serving us to go. This session guides you to embrace your heart and your intentions. We start with a short meditation and some breathing exercises to release and purify our energy. During the Sound Bath allow yourself to rest and to relax.

This time is just for you. A moment to tune in, to connect to your Self, to love yourself, to let go and be aware of who you are beyond all mind limitations.

In this session I am sharing my love and my passion for Reiki + Sound + Breathwork with you, it will be a mixture of the elements of Meditation, Mindfulness, Breathing, … ending the Session with a Sound Bath.

It is a coming together in Community as Sound Healers, Sound Bathers, Reiki Practioners, Breathers, Humans, Hearts and all who feel drawn to practice, meditate and relax with us.


  • Energy Exchange: 11 EUR

  • Virtual Meditation at Home

  • Prepare your space at home with candle, pillow, cozy blanket, a cup tea, smudge for a clear space…

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for us to become more aware of our True Self.

With this in mind and heart I invite you to practice together with me.

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New Year Ceremony | Tuning into 2024 mit Nicole Rutsch
6:00 PM18:00

New Year Ceremony | Tuning into 2024 mit Nicole Rutsch

Start 2024 with a transformative, relaxing and healing Ceremony with Intentions, Mediation and an Alchemy Crystal Sound Bath. Let the pure sounds wash away any old things from the past and clear the way to attract the life you visualize for the year. As your brainwaves slow down, shifting from an active beta state to a relaxed and dream-like alpha state, begin 2024 by tapping into your unconscious mind and accessing your whole potential and the future self you are dreaming of. Ask yourself what you would like to receive in the coming weeks and months? What are the deepest wishes of your heart? Empty yourself like a lake.

Create the love, joy, abundance and kindness you wish for. 


We are going to set intentions for the New Year and then let the sounds manifest them. You are required to do nothing - just lie back, let go and receive.

While floating in the soothing sounds and entering a deeper state of consciousness you are already feeling and seeing your visions, holding them in your heart and drawing the events of the future and your future self to you - yes it is that easy. If you feel the event has already happened you are programming your body and mind for the future you would like to create. After just one hour soft and transformative sound bath, you will feel peaceful, calm and renewed and open for the exciting new year.


In a Crystal Bowl Sound Bath, we can relax our minds and reach that timeless place where we might find our natural peaceful state of harmony. This process is similar to meditation or other types of relaxation. These high frequencies help “reset” our bodies to a balanced state by bringing coherence to each and every one of our cells. The best ist, that in a Sound Bath it's so easy to relax and let go, the vibrations and sounds have an effect on our mind and body on the deepest level. A Sound Bath is like a deep, energetic massage for our body, mind and spirit. The body becomes weightless you float. The emotional, physical and mental self finds its own natural state of balance again. Deep relaxation, regeneration, and healing can be experienced.


+ Wear comfortable clothing

+ Prepare your Space with Intention and Care

+ We will start at 5pm


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